
Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp.

Company Data | Introduction | Projects in Hand | Management
News Update
| Chinese

Address :  Suite 500 – 2 Toronto St.
Toronto, ON
Canada M5C 2B6
Tel No.: 416-546-2707
Fax No.: 416-218-9772
Web Site: www.appiareu.com
E-mail: sburega@appiareu.com
Contact Person: Stephen Burega
Position: President

Company Data

Traded Market: CSE | OTCQX | FWB | MUN | BER
Traded Symbol: API | APAAF | A0I0 | A0I0 | A0I0
Outstanding Shares: approx. 136.8 million
52 Week High: $ 0.31
52 Week Low: $ 0.06
Present Price: Click Here


Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp., a publicly traded company, aims to strategically position and capitalize on the increasing demand for critical minerals, such as rare earth elements (REE) and uranium. These resources are essential for meeting the high demand for electric vehicles, wind turbines, and advanced renewable electronics, and driving the transition towards a greener environment. Appia is a critical mineral exploration company committed to advancing multiple rare earths and uranium projects in mining-friendly regions, including Goiás State, Brazil, the Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan, Canada and Northern Ontario, Canada.

The Company holds the right to acquire up to a 70% interest in the PCH Ionic Adsorption Clay (IAC) Project (See press release dated June 9th, 2023 – Click HERE ) which is 40,963.18 ha. in size and located within the Goiás State of Brazil. (See press release dated January 11th, 2024 – Click HERE ) The Company is also focusing on delineating high-grade critical rare earth elements and gallium on the Alces Lake property, and exploring for high-grade uranium in the prolific Athabasca Basin on its Otherside, Loranger, North Wollaston, and Eastside properties. The Company holds the surface rights to exploration for 94,982.39 hectares (234,706.59 acres) in Saskatchewan. The Company also has a 100% interest in 13,008 hectares (32,143 acres), with rare earth elements and uranium deposits over five mineralized zones in the Elliot Lake Camp, Ontario.

Why Appia?

Appia offers a unique opportunity to tap into the growing demand for rare earth elements and uranium, which are pivotal in powering various industries. As the world transitions to cleaner energy sources and advanced technologies, the demand for rare earth elements and uranium is on the rise. Appia's strategic positioning in these markets, coupled with its commitment to environmentally conscious exploration practices, makes it a compelling choice for investors looking to align their portfolios with the future of clean energy, high-tech innovation, and responsible resource development.

Projects in Hand

PCH Ionic Adsorption Clay (IAC) Project, Goiás, Brazil

Project Highlights

  • 40,963 hectares in Tocantins Structural Province, Brasília Fold Belt, Goiás, Brazil.
  • Characterized by IAC REE mineralization associated with the weathered Ipora Granite.
  • High-grade REE mineralization associated with Carbonatitic dykes with unprecedented Total Rare Earth Oxide (TREO) assay results.
  • The property hosts rare earths including Tb, Dy, Nd and Pr, also scandium, and cobalt.
  • Critical REE (containing medium rare earth elements (MREE) & heavy rare earth elements (HREE)) hosted in ionic clays.
  • Rare Earths in ionic clays are generally more easily extractable with lower Opex & Capex costs.
  • Mining-friendly jurisdiction with well-developed infrastructure and substantial government support and initiatives.
  • Supported by surrounding landowners and community
  • Experienced Brazilian team
  • 70% Earn in agreement to be completed by 2028
  • 2024 Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) on Target IV & Buriti
    • The maiden MRE for the PCH Project is estimated at 52.8 million tonnes (Mt) comprising:
      • 6.6 Mt Indicated resource with a grade of 2,513 ppm TREO.
      • 46.2 Mt Inferred resource with a grade of 2,888 ppm TREO.
    • The deposit contains significant concentrations of Neodymium (Nd), Praseodymium (Pr), Dysprosium (Dy), and Terbium (Tb) which are the rare earth elements used in the production of permanent magnets and currently under high demand.
  • 2024 NI 43-101 on PCH project.
  • Initial desorption testing proves IAC characteristics
  • Currently, the four new target zones (Merope, Taygeta, Maia and Electra) equal over 2,400 hectares in total area.
  • Phase II Exploration Targets : Merope and Taygeta
    • Assay results showed high concentrations of Neodymium + Praseodymium and Dysprosium + Terbium associated with the boundary of Pedolith and saprolite. This is the main characteristic of an IAC REE mineralization.
  • On June 12, 2024, Appia announced that it has earned its initial 10% legal and beneficial ownership interest in the PCH Project.
  • Ongoing exploration

Alces Lake REE Project, Saskatchewan, Canada

  • High-grade monazite prospect on surface and near-surface of up to 80% coarse-grained monazite
  • World-class critical REE with grades up to 50% TREO plus gallium
  • Most Attractive Mining Jurisdiction in Canada with access to SRC monazite processing facility
  • 2023 Diamond drill results: 11 drill holes spanning 1,223 metres completed in southern extension of Magnet Ridge. Five drill holes showcased substantial mineralization intersections, with widths up to 19 metres, indicating a potential increase in grade and thickness.
  • On June 6, 2024, Appia announced a Falcon Airborne Gravity Gradiometer (AGG) and Magnetic survey over the Alces Lake property.

Loranger Uranium Project: Athabasca Basin Area, Saskatchewan, Canada

Project Highlights:

  • The property is situated within the Eastern Wollaston Domain, next to the Western Wollaston Domain & Wollaston-Mudjatik Transition Zone (WMTZ), which is renowned for hosting over 1 billion pounds of high-grade U3O8.
  • Appia has commenced its diamond drilling program at the Loranger property. The program will include up to 1,000 meters of drilling across 3 to 4 drill targets. (See news update dated June 25, 2024)
  • In the recently concluded drilling campaign, which covered 714 metres, Appia achieved several significant findings. The drilling intersected radioactive (uranium/thorium/REE) pegmatites containing visible monazite and potential uraninite located within major reactivated graphitic structural zones. Notably, the program identified:
    • Graphitic electromagnetic (EM) conductors: Significant intersections of graphitic EM conductors within favourable metasedimentary host rocks, with scintillometer readings reaching up to 1,500 counts per second, indicating potential for uranium mineralization.
    • Monazite mineralization: Visible monazite was observed in drill hole No. 3 (24-LOR-003), a key discovery as monazite commonly hosts significant rare earth element mineralization in Northern Saskatchewan. (See news release dated July 30, 2024)
  • Previous drilling campaigns covered 4,630.8 metres across 34 drill holes
  • Up to 0.34 wt% U3O8 has been uncovered through previous exploration in the core drill-zone.
  • Uranium exploration at Loranger boasts surface rights of approximately 26,408.8 hectares, measuring 57 km by 9 km.
  • Exploration in the Nuhenéné region will progress through a collaborative partnership with the Ya'thi Néné First Nations and local Wollaston residents.
  • Appia's Athabasca Basin area properties are located near Cameco's Rabbit Lake uranium mill and Eagle Point mine operations.

Elliot Lake Uranium Project, Ontario, Canada

  • Holds an extensive Indicated & Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of over 55 million pounds Uranium
  • Well-developed infrastructure & 58 km from Cameco's uranium refining facility near Blind River, ON
  • Spanning 13,008 hectares (32,143 acres)
  • Appia extended the non-binding Memorandum of Understanding with 15997356 Canada Inc. for the Elliot Lake Uranium Project. (See news release dated July 11, 2024)


Executive Leadership & Advisors

Appia's Management and Board has over 300 years combined industry experience

Anastasios (Tom) Drivas, CEO & Director

Business entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience in various industries, including over 20 years in the mineral resource industry.

Stephen Burega, President

Brings 15 years of management and operations experience in the international mining and natural resources sectors, plus 15 years of experience in finance and communications.

Brian Crawford, CPA, CA, Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Crawford has extensive experience as a financial executive. A former partner with BDO Canada LLP, he co-founded and built several public companies currently listed on the TSXV and the CSE. He has extensive experience as CFO and as a director of private and public companies, and currently serves as CFO and Director of several public companies.

Andre Costa, M.Sc., FAIG, VP Exploration

30 years' Experience in Canada and Brazil managing exploration projects for Diamond, Potash, Uranium, Gold, Lithium, REE and Copper.

Antonio Vitor, Country Manager

Track record as a portfolio manager and valued board member. Since 2015 exclusive dedication to mining industry – Graphite, REE and Silica Sand.

Constantine Karayannopoulos, Senior Technical Advisor

30 years of expertise and leadership at NEO Performance Materials as COO, CEO, Chairman of the Board and CEO again from 2020-2023.

Don Hains, P.Geo., Senior Technical Advisor

Over 40 years' experience as a consulting geologist and QP, with highly advanced Industrial Minerals and Ionic Adsorption Clay expertise.

Jack Lifton, Senior Technical Advisor

Consultant, author, and lecturer on the market fundamentals of technology metals.

Board of Directors

Anastasios (Tom) Drivas, CEO & Director

Frank van de Water, B.Com., CPA, CA, Secretary, Director

Brian Robertson, B.Sc., P.Eng., Grad. Dipl., Business Administration & Director

Thomas Skimming, B.Sc. Geology, P.Geo., P.Eng., Director

Douglas H. Underhill, Ph.D., MBA, CPG, Director

William Johnstone, LLB, Legal Counsel & Director

Nick Bontis, Ph.D., B.A., Director

News Update

On October 17, 2024, Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp. has begun an airborne gravity gradiometer and magnetic survey over its Otherside property, located within the prolific uranium-bearing Athabasca basin of Saskatchewan, Canada. This survey will be conducted by Xcalibur Smart Mapping, utilizing its state-of-the-art Falcon airborne gravity gradiometer (AGG) technology to further explore the potential for uranium deposits.

The goal of this airborne survey is to leverage gravity and magnetic geophysics to reveal significant lithostructural contrasts in the subsurface rocks, allowing Appia to identify key anomalies that may lead to uranium discoveries. This survey is a critical step in Appia's continuing exploration efforts, providing additional data to guide drilling decisions.

The Otherside property is notably positioned along a 40-kilometre-long corridor hosting several electromagnetic (EM) conductors, sharing geological and geophysical features similar to other high-grade uranium plays of the western Athabasca basin such as Fission Uranium Corp.'s Triple R and NexGen Energy's Arrow deposits.

Stephen Burega, president, states: "Our team is excited to commence the airborne gravity gradiometer and magnetic survey at our Otherside property. Using cutting-edge technology to identify geophysical signatures that could lead to uranium discoveries, this survey marks a significant step in our exploration efforts and provides an encouraging follow-up to the recent uranium and rare earth exploration programs at our Eastside and Loranger properties."

On September 26, 2024, Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp. announced the confirmation of intersecting uranium (U) and rare earth elements (REE) mineralization while drill testing the potential of three (3) exploratory targets at the southern limits of Appia's Loranger property located south of Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan. The drill results, analyzed and verified by the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) Laboratories in Saskatoon, confirm the Company's early-stage geological hypotheses to locate a set of subsurface, variable length (2.2 to 2.5 km) electromagnetic (EM) conductors (Figure 1) favorable for U and REE mineralization. The success of this drilling program highlights the potential of the Loranger property as a dual-commodity property within Appia's portfolio. Highlights of the 2024 Assay Results:

  • Uranium Mineralization:
    • Drill Core 24-LOR-003: 0.10 m of 409.11 ppm (0.04 wt%) U3O8 from 171.31 m to 171.41 m, confirming the presence of uranium alongside rare earth elements within the same 2.2 km electromagnetic conductor / Tabbernor Fault intersection.
  • Rare Earth Element (REE) Mineralization:
    • Drill Core 24-LOR-003: 0.18 m of 0.56 wt.% TREO from 154.02 m to 154.10 m, including a 0.10 m interval of 0.80 wt.% TREO, confirming the presence of rare earth elements between the northeast trending 2.2 km EM conductor and N-S trending Tabbernor Fault (Figure 1).
    • Drill Core 24-LOR-003: 0.10 m of 0.36 wt.% TREO from 171.31 m to 171.41 m.

Additionally, 20 more samples within hole 24-LOR-003 returned REE values greater than 0.10 wt.% TREO, signifying sporadic rare earth element mineralization within this area. Full assay results click here.

Stephen Burega, President of Appia, stated, "We are excited to announce the confirmed discovery of uranium and rare earth elements mineralization in our first exploratory drill holes within the southwestern block of the Loranger property. These results not only confirm our geologic hypotheses but also highlight the potential for further discovery along the set of variable length (2.2 to 2.5 km) EM conductors, giving our team new drill targets for future programs."

On September 04, 2024, Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp. announced that, further to the press release issued earlier today, we confirm the successful discovery of uranium and rare earth element mineralization during the 2024 exploration program at the Eastside property (Figure 1). These promising assay results, analyzed and verified by the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) Laboratories in Saskatoon, confirm our exploration models and underscore the significant potential of the Eastside property within Appia's Saskatchewan portfolio. The Press Release issued earlier today erroneously made reference to Rare Earth Elements (REE) in the highlight section instead of referring to uranium (U) mineralization when describing a total of 20 additional samples collected from the southwestern portion of the Eastside property.

Highlights of the 2024 Assay Results:

  • Uranium Mineralization:
    • Grab Sample 181213 (Figure 2): U3O8 = 2,523.06 ppm (0.25 wt%), a uranium-bearing zone discovered between "Prospector's Peninsula" and "Highcount Hilltop".
    • Grab Sample 181255 (Figure 3): U3O8 = 673.21 ppm (0.07 wt%), indicating a uranium-bearing zone east of "Highcount Hilltop".
    • Grab Sample 181212 (Figure 4): U3O8 = 644.91 ppm (0.06 wt%), also discovered between "Prospector's Peninsula" and "Highcount Hilltop" further indicating uranium.

Additionally, a total of 20 samples collected from the southwestern portion of the Eastside property exhibited uranium (U) mineralization between 0.01 wt% and 0.25 wt%, further confirming the property's uranium potential.

  • Rare Earth Element (REE) Mineralization:
    • Channel Sample 181244 (Figure 5): 1.00 meters of TREO = 0.14 wt%, located in the "Prospector's Peninsula" zone, demonstrating rare earth element (REE) mineralization.

Stephen Burega, President of Appia, stated, "We are excited about the results of our 2024 exploration program at the Eastside property. The discovery of uranium and rare earth elements mineralization aligns perfectly with our exploration models, hypotheses, and company initiatives. These uranium and REE concentrations highlight the favorable potential of this property as a valuable project in our portfolio."

Next Steps: Given the encouraging results, Appia plans to return to the Eastside property to expand investigations near its uranium showings and other areas of interest identified during this program. This follow-up work will aim to delineate the extent of uranium and rare earth element mineralization and assess the potential for further discoveries of both minerals. The results from the 2024 program confirm that the Eastside property has potential for further development and could evolve into a prominent asset for Appia. The company remains enthusiastic about future exploration opportunities and the potential to enhance its Saskatchewan property portfolio.

August 20, 2024, Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp. announced today the initial desorption test results from the Ionic Adsorption Clay (IAC) rare earth elements (REE) targets Maia, Electra, Taygeta and Merope at the PCH project. A total of 89 samples from 13 auger drillholes were sent to ALS Laboratories in Lima, Peru (ALS), and the results consistently confirmed the REE IAC mineralization style on all targets developed over the Ipora Granite. The results show very good recoveries of Magnet Rare Earth Oxides (MREO) and Heavy Rare Earth Oxides (HREO).

Stephen Burega, President, said, "The four (4) new targets are showing higher levels of heavy rare earths as we continue to explore to the East of the property, with excellent Dy and Tb recovery values at Merope and Taygeta targets, representing a significant increase in desorption levels. These are important results that demonstrate further that we have discovered a notable ionic clay rare earths deposit. Our project has many superior characteristics including its hosting in easy to dig clays, a desirable diversity of metals including the "rare" rare earths, the high grades encountered and the large scope of the project. Industry has a growing need for rare earths in a stable and western jurisdiction and we are committed to offer a solution."

Drill crews are working daily in order to expand the IAC mineralization over this significant project area. The Company continues to see very favourable kinetics across all of the ALS desorption testing. With these increases in Dysprosium (Dy) and Terbium (Tb) recoveries, the PCH project continues to demonstrate its potential as a future source for these extremely important minerals for the permanent magnet industry.

Andre Costa, VP Exploration for Brazil, commented, "These exciting results confirm the potential for REE Ionic Desorption Clay mineralization on all tested new targets. All of them over the Ipora Granite. We are on the right path in characterizing the Maia, Electra, Taygeta and Merope targets in the PCH Project and we will continue to focus drilling on these new targets to determine recoverability and delineate their extension since they remain open on all directions."

August 8, 2024, Appia Announces Extension of Its Non-Brokered Working Capital Private Placement

August 1, 2024, Appia Announces CFO Transition


July 30, 2024, Appia Completes Drilling at Loranger Property and Assays Are Pending


July 17, 2024, Appia Announces Excellent Desorption Test Results for Rare Earth Elements (REE) from the Target IV Ionic Adsorption Clay Deposit at the PCH Project in Brazil


July 12, 2024, Appia announced a non-brokered private placement of up to 10,000,000 working capital units (the “WC Units”) of the Company at a price of $0.10 per WC Unit for up to $1,000,000 to provide the Company with working capital and funding for exploration of the Corporation's PCH Project in Brazil.


July 11, 2024, Appia Extends the Non-Binding Memorandum of Understanding for the Elliot Lake Uranium Project, Ontario


June 25, 2024, Appia has commenced its diamond drilling program at the uranium-bearing Loranger property in Saskatchewan. The program will include up to 1,000 meters of drilling across 3 to 4 drill targets.


June 12, 2024, Appia Rare earns initial 10% interest in PCH project



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