
Honey Badger Silver Inc.

Company Data | Introduction | Projects in Hand | Management
News Update
| Chinese

Address :  Unit 1 – 15782 Marine Drive
White Rock, British Columbia
Canada V4B 1E6
Tel No.: 604-828-5886
Web Site: www.honeybadgersilver.com
E-mail: msavella@honeybadgersilver.com
Contact Person: Michelle Savella
Position: VP of Administration & Investor Relations

Company Data

Traded Market: TSX-V | OTCQB
Traded Symbol: TUF | HBEIF
Outstanding Shares: 67.87 million
52 Week High: $ 0.13
52 Week Low: $ 0.05
Present Price: Click Here


Honey Badger Silver is a silver company. The Company is led by a highly experienced leadership team with a track record of value creation backed by a skilled technical team. Its projects are located in areas with a long history of mining, including the Sunrise Lake project in the Northwest Territories and the Plata high grade silver project and Clear Lake Project in the Yukon Territory. The Company also has a significant land holding at the Nanisivik Mine Area located in Nunavut, Canada that produced over 20 Moz of silver between 1976 and 2002.

The Strategy

Acquire quality ounces of silver in the ground for minimal cost due to current market conditions.

Undertake selective exploration keeping cash expenses to a minimum.

Vend the project to partners and retain a silver stream or royalty.

Build a stable of silver royalties and streams as well as equity interests in partners.

Projects in Hand

Northwest Territories Project

Sunrise Lake Project

Significant untapped exploration potential

  • Six contiguous mining leases totaling 1,621 ha located in the Northwest Territories, Canada, 130 km northeast of Yellowknife.
  • Hosts a VMS deposit consisting of a steeply dipping lens three-to-four meters thick, 120 m wide and 190 m with underlying lower grade disseminated mineralization up to about 50 m in thickness.
  • Ag-Au and base metal mineralization at surface outlined with 22 km of historical drilling.
  • Numerous exploration targets have been identified on the property.
  • Historical resource of approximately 12.6 Moz Ag Indicated and 14.1 Moz Ag Inferred as well as significant gold and base metal credits.

Yukon Territory Projects

Plata Project

Exploration in a prolific camp

  • Located in east-central Yukon, 190 km east of the town of Mayo, and ~10 km from Snowline Gold’s flagship Rogue Gold Project.
  • Situated within the prolific Tintina Gold Province that hosts multiple Moz+ precious metal deposits such as Kinross’ Fort Knox mine, Newmont’s Coffee deposit, and Victoria Gold’s Eagle Mine.
  • Snowline Gold has reported drill results from its Rogue project, highlighting 539 m grading 1.2 g/t Au from surface. Assays continuously demonstrate a strong grade profile of >1 g/t Au over several hundred meters.
  • Mineralization has been identified at surface at Plata:
    • Silver-lead mineralization with grab sample grades between 1,700 and 10,000 g/t Ag and 30% to 70% Pb.
    • Gold-silver mineralization with grab samples that have returned up to 78.6 g/t Au and 19,334 g/t Ag.
  • Ongoing work continues to identify additional mineralization.
  • Next phase of work is to further define drill targets.

Clear Lake Project

Clear Lake Deposit

  • Located in the Whitehorse Mining District of the Yukon, the Clear Lake Deposit is a sedimentary-exhalative (“SEDEX”) massive sulphide deposit.
  • Historical NI 43-101 compliant Inferred resource prepared by SRK Consulting (2010) of 5.5 Moz Ag as well as 1.3 Blbs of Zn and 185 Mlbs of Pb.
  • Highly accretive acquisition cost; Property benefits from Class 3 Land Use Approval valid until 2029, which allows for up to 31,500 m of diamond drilling and 2,000 m of reverse circulation drilling.
  • Good potential to confirm and possibly incrementally expand existing resources with diamond drilling and discovery of additional mineralization on the property.

Regional Exploration

Hy Project

  • Covers many high-grade silver occurrences first discovered in the 1960s. Numerous showings host silver, lead, zinc and tungsten mineralization in skarnified sediments near intrusive contacts.
  • Trenching results up to 684 g/t Ag, 9.3% Zn and 11.1% Pb over 1.8 m. Diamond drill results of up to 552.7 g/t Ag, 5.3% Zn and 4.1% Pb over 0.4 m.

Groundhog Project

  • Falls within a belt of high-grade gold occurrences including the Ketza Mine with very high-grade silver in rock samples. Eighteen showings discovered to date, but no diamond drilling or ground geophysics has been completed.
  • Historical exploration has yielded rock samples grading up to 13,028 g/t Ag, 85% Pb, 4.5% Zn and 3.7% Cu.

Nunavut Project

Nanisivik Mine Area

  • The Nanisivik Mine (near Arctic Bay, Nunavut) produced over 20 Moz of silver between 1976 and 2002, from 17.9 Mt of ore, grading 9% Zn, 0.72% Pb, and 35 g/t Ag.
  • Previous exploration identified massive sulphide bodies (principally pyrite), totaling about 100 million tons, containing base metal and silver values not economic at the time.
  • The Company’s target at Nanisivik is an eventual resource of up to 100 Moz Ag at grades of 30-50 g/t, possibly with germanium / gallium credits.
  • This prospectivity is supported by reported large tonnages of pyrite bodies at Nanisivik containing anomalous concentrations of silver.
  • In addition, with a deep-sea port being constructed adjacent to the Nanisivik Mine, the pyrite bodies themselves may have significant commercial value.
  • Honey Badger has acquired at no cost the historic drill database for the Nanisivik project which contains extremely valuable geologic information about the claims the Company now owns. (See news release dated May 2, 2024)


Management, Directors, and Advisors

Chad Williams, Non-Executive Chairman

Has an extensive background in capital markets and business management.

Founder and chairman of Red Cloud Mining Capital, Inc., Blue Thunder Mining Inc., and Sharechest.

Serves on the board of the Golden Tag Resources Ltd. and Karora Resources Inc.

Was one of the founders of both Agilith Capital Inc. and Westwind Capital Inc., as well as the former CEO of Victoria Gold Corp. and former Head of Mining Investment Banking at Blackmont Capital Inc.

Dorian L. (Dusty) Nicol, Chief Executive Officer

MIT-graduate geologist with over 47 years of experience worldwide in minerals exploration and mining.

Has managed the construction, development and operation of open pit and underground gold mines in Nevada and in Sinaloa, Mexico.

Has held senior corporate positions on several publicly listed companies, as a CEO, VP-Exploration, and Director.

A Professional Geologist, a Chartered Geologist (UK), and a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and of the Society of Economic Geologists.

Dan O’Brien, Chief Financial Officer

A member of the Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia and has 20 years’ experience working with public companies in the resource industry.

Chief Financial Officer for a number of publicly listed exploration companies trading on the TSX-V exchange.

Ben Meyer, Corporate Secretary

Has over 10 years’ experience in corporate compliance for publicly listed mineral exploration companies.

Has been a Paralegal since 2019.

Michelle Savella, VP of Administration & Investor Relations

Has over 25 years of experience in the brokerage and financial markets.

Brian Briggs, P.E., Director

John H. Hill, Director

George Topping, Director

Stephen Kibsey, Advisor

Michael Jalonen, Advisor

News Update

On October 02, 2024, Honey Badger Silver Inc. has purchased the Yava project located in Nunavut from Blue Moon Metals Inc. Pursuant to the purchase agreement, Blue Moon is receiving 4.25 million common shares of Honey Badger valued at eight cents per share. No other obligations by Honey Badger are required (no cash, no spending requirements nor any future payments). This consideration represents approximately 6.5 per cent of the total issued and outstanding shares of Honey Badger.

The shares are subject to a hold period under applicable securities laws which ends on Feb. 2, 2025. Blue Moon has agreed not to resell the shares for 12 months following closing without the consent of the company.

Honey Badger's chief executive officer, Dorian L. (Dusty) Nicol, commented: "The Yava project is an exciting addition to Honey Badger's growing portfolio of high-quality silver projects. We already have projects in Nunavut, NWT, and the Yukon and have experience operating in these areas. We are acquiring this project that contains 4.5 million ounces of silver at a price of approximately eight cents per ounce of silver in the historic resource. The millions of pounds of substantial strategic base metal inventory come at zero cost in that calculation. In addition to its historical resource, Yava has tremendous upside exploration potential. Its location, only 45 kilometres from Glencore's Hackett River project (which contains a huge silver resource, 105 million ounces indicated plus 184 million ounces inferred) and on the same mineralized belt, adds to the project's value. This is one more step in our strategy of acquiring accretive silver ounces and projects. We welcome Blue Moon as a shareholder."

On September 30, 2024, The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the company's proposal to issue 1,026,180 common shares at a deemed price of 10 cents per share to settle outstanding debt for $102,618.

Number of creditors: two creditors

On September 16, 2024, A detailed review of the recently acquired historic database of drilling and assays at Honey Badger Silver Inc.'s 100-per-cent-owned Nanisivik project in Nunavut has shown very encouraging results for silver mineralization in multiple areas that were not mined.

The Nanisivik mine produced about 17.9 million tonnes of ore grading 9 per cent zinc, 0.72 per cent lead and 35 grams per tonne silver between 1976 and 2002. Honey Badger acquired its initial 5,723 hectares through staking in 2022.

The company's chief executive officer, Dorian L. (Dusty) Nicol, commented: "We have identified multiple targets that host prospective areas of silver-bearing mineralization. This underscores our contention that the entire large project area has potential to host economic orebodies and merits further investigation. In addition to these newly identified areas of silver-bearing mineralization, our rationale for originally acquiring Nanisivik was that there is a very large (over 100 million tonnes) unmined, pyrite-rich massive sulphide zone containing silver that could be economic at today's commodity prices. Our target grade is 30 to 50 grams per tonne silver (roughly 1.0 to 1.5 ounces per ton). We will continue to evaluate this database to further define silver-bearing targets as well as detailed review of the geophysics database, likely using innovative AI [artificial intelligence] techniques similar to those that the company has been employing with great effect on its Plata project in the Yukon.

"Our vision at Nanisivik is an eventual target resource of at least 100 million ounces of silver. The prospectivity is supported by large tonnages in multiple sulphide zones at Nanisivik with anomalous concentrations of silver and zinc as well as, locally, the potential for important critical metals germanium, gallium and indium. In addition, with a deep-sea port being constructed adjacent to the Nanisivik mine, the pyrite bodies themselves may have significant commercial value as a source of sulphur as global demand for sulphur is expected to increase dramatically. We will continue to evaluate the potential of Nanisivik to host economic mineralization, including commissioning an initial desktop study on the economic viability of the massive pyrite bodies."

June 20, 2024, Honey Badger Silver Deploys A.I. Geophysical Tool at Flagship Plata Project, Targeting "Snowline Style" Mineralization. Honey Badger believes it has identified a “Snowline-style” geologic target at its Plata Project.


May 28, 2024, Honey Badger Silver Comments on Press Coverage Respecting Former CEO


May 16, 2024, Chad Williams Acquires Shares of Honey Badger Silver Inc.


May 2, 2024, Honey Badger announced that it has fortuitously acquired at no cost the historic drill database for its 100-per-cent-owned Nanisivik project which contains extremely valuable geologic information about the claims the Company now owns.


April 24, 2024, Honey Badger Silver Appoints George Topping to Board, Michael Jalonen and Stephen Kibsey as Advisors and Grants Stock Options


April 10, 2024, Honey Badger Closes $1.2-million Non-Brokered Private Placement



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