1 |
INDIA Franchise Association
Mr. F.D. Neterwalla
1-C, Vulcan Insurance Bldg.
Veer Nariman Road
Churchgate, Mumbai 400-020/INDIA
T. (91-22) 282-1413
F. (91-22) 204-6141 |
2 |
INDONESIA Franchise Association
Mr. Anang Sukandar/Director
A 19 Darmawangsa X
Keybayoran Baru
Jakarta 12150, Indonesia
T. (62-21) 739-5577
F. (62-21) 723-4761 |
3 |
IRELAND Franchise Association
Mr. Bill Holohan Director
Hambleden House/19/26 Lower
Pembroke Str.
Dublin 2 Ireland
T. (353-1) 678-5199
F. (353-1) 678-5146 |
4 |
ITALY Franchise Association
Mt. Michele Scardi/General Secretary
Corso di Porta Nuova, 3
Milan 20121, Italy
T. (390-2) 2900-3779
F. (390-2) 655-5919
E-mail: assofranchising@assofranchising.it
Internet: www.assofranchising.it
WFC Member |
5 |
JAPAN Franchise Association
Mr. Ojiri Keisuke/Executive Director
Elsa Building 602
Roppongi, 3-13-12, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 106, Japan
T. (81-3) 3401-0421
F. (81-3) 3423-2019
WFC Member
6 |
KOREA (SOUTH) Franchise Association
Hong Geun, Yoon/Chairman
Zipcode 143-202, HYO San B/D 3F
57-80, Gui-2Dong, Kwangjin-Gu
Seoul, Korea
T. (82-2) 447-6094
F. (82-2) 3436-2162 |
7 |
MALAYSIA Franchise Association
Hon. Dato A. Abdul Wahab/Chairman
No. 79, Damai Complex/
Dato Haji Eusoff Road
Kuala Lumpur 50400, Malaysia
T. (60-3) 445-4700
F. (60-3) 445-4711
Email: ceomfa@tm.net.my
Internet: www.mfa.org.my
WFC Member |
8 |
MEXICO Franchise Association
Mr. Francisco Aguilar Espana/President
Insurgentes Sur 1783, #303
Col. Guadalupe Inn
Mexico 01020, D.F. Mexico
T. (52-5) 661-0655
F. (52-5) 663-2178
WFC Member |
9 |
NETHERLANDS Franchise Association
Mr. Andre Brouwer/General Secretaty
Boomberglann 12,
Hilversum 1217, PR - The Netherlands
T. (31-35) 624-2300
F. (31-35) 624-9194
Email: franchise@nfv.nl
WFC Member |
10 |
NEW ZELAND Franchise Association
Mr. Stewart Germann/Chairman
P.O. Box 1542, DX CP20631,
Shortland Centre
Auckland 1000, New Zealand
T. (64-9) 308-9925
F. (64-9) 308-9922
WFC Member |
11 |
NORWAY Franchise Association
Mr. B. Monsen, Executive Director
PO Box 2900
Solli 0230 - Oslo, Norway
T. (47-2) 254-1700
F. (47-2) 256-1700 |
12 |
PERU Franchise Association
Mr. Samuel Gleiser/President
Gregorio Escobedo 398
Lima 11, Peru
T. (511) 464-8511
F. (511) 451-5711
E-mail: sysco@ibm.net |
13 |
PHILIPPINES Franchise Association
Mrs. Ma. Alegria S. Limjoco/President
2/F Collins Building, 167 EDSA
Mandaluyong City, Philippines
T. (63-2) 532-5677
F. (63-2) 532-5644
E-mail: pra@snap.portalinc.com
WFC Member |
14 |
POLAND Franchise Association
Ms. Jolanta Kramarz/Chairman
ul. Szpitalna 1 lok. 5
Warsaw 00-020, Poland
T. (48-22) 268-030
F. (48-22) 625-6956
WFC Member |
15 |
PORTUGAL Franchise Association
Mrs. Raoul Neves/President
Rua Viriato, 25-3
1050-234 Lisboa, Portugal
T. (351-1) 319-2938
F. (351-1) 319-2939
WFC Member |
16 |
ROMANIA Franchise Association
Mr. Florin Dolea/Chief Executive
86 Bd. Aviatorilor
Bucharest, Romania
T. (40) 1 320-3989/320-4395
F. (40) 1 320-2960 |
17 |
RUSSIA Franchise Association
Mr. Alexander Mailer/President
2-nd Proezd Perova Polya, 9
Moscow 111141, Russia
T. (7-95) 305-5877
F. (7-95) 305-5850
E-mail: franch@matrix.ru |
18 |
SINGAPORE Franchise Association
Me .Wong Tai/Chairman
Informatics Building
5 International Business Park
Singapore 609914
T. (65) 568-0802
F. (65) 568-0722
E-mail: sifa@pacific.net.sg
WFC Member |
19 |
SOUTH AFRICA Franchise Association
Mr. Nic Louw/Executive Director
PostNet Suite 267, Private Bag X30500
2041 Houghton, South Africa
T. (27-11) 484-1285/6/7/8
F. (27-11) 484-1291
Internet: www.fasa.co.za
E-mail: fasa@fasa.co.za
WFC Member |
20 |
SPAIN Franchise Association
Mr. Xavier Vallhonrat/President
Avda. de las Ferias S/N
P.O. Box 476
46035 Valencia, SPAIN
T. (34-96) 386-1123
F. (34-96) 363-6111
E-mail: pmoreno@feriavalencia.com
WFC Member |
21 |
SWEDEN Franchise Association
Mrs. Karen Ericsson/Executive Director
Box 5243
402024 Goteborg, Sweden
T. (46-31) 836-943
F. (46-31) 811-072
E-mail: info.franchiseforeningen@telia.com
WFC Member |
22 |
SWITZERLAND Franchise Association
Mr. Christopher Wildhaber/Managering Director
Lowenstrasse 11
Postfach CH-8023
Zurich, Switzerland
T. (41-1) 225-4757
F. (41-1) 225-4777
WFC Member |
23 |
THAILAND Franchise Association
Somjit Likhitsathaporn/Managering Director
20/25 Seri Village
Onnui Sukhumvii 77 Rd.
Pravate - Bankok, Thailand
T. (662) 321-5129
F. (662) 721-2759 |
24 |
TURKEY Franchise Association
Mr Serdar Yanasan/Chairman
Ergenekon cad. Pangalti Ishani 89/15
Istanbul 80240, Turkey
T. (90-212) 296 66 28
F. (90-212) 224 51 30
E-mail: ufrad@ufrad.com.tr
Web Site: www.ufrad.org.tr |
25 |
URUGUAY Franchise Association
Mr. Rodolfo Montesdeoca/President
Daniel Munoz 2240, CP 11.200
Montevideo, Uruguay
T. & F. (598-2) 408-5189
E-mail: milbea@adinet.com.uy |
26 |
VENEZUELA Chamber of Franchising
Mr. Rolando Seijas S./Presidnent
Oficentro Neur, 3 - Altamira, oficina N 5
Caracas, Venezuela 1060
T. (58-2) 261-8596/6855
F. (58-2) 261-9620
E-mail: seibol@cantv.net |
27 |
VENEZUELA Franchise Association
Mr. Antonio Rosello/President
Edif. Parque Cristal, Torre Oeste, Piso 12
Av. Francisco de Miranda, Los Palos
Caracas, Venezuela
T. (58-2) 285-2575
F. (58-2) 285-2096
E-mail: avfran@telcel.net.ve |
28 |
YUGOSLAVIA Franchise Association
Dr. Zdravko Glusica/General Secretary
Dr. Dorda Joanovica 6
21000 Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
T. (381-21) 432-205
F. (381-21) 469-496
WFC Member |
29 |
ZIMBABAWE Franchise Association
c/o The ZNCC
P.O. Box 1934
Harare, Zimbabwe
T. (263-4) 753-444
F. (263-4) 753-450 |